The Africa Climate Conference 2013 (ACC2013), in Arusha was officially opened by his
exellency Vice President of United Republic of Tanzania Dr Gharib M Bilal today at AICC
,the theme of the conference is Advancing African Climate Science Research & Knowledge to Inform Adaptation Decision-Making in Africa
r, aims to strengthen the relationship between the
scientific and policy-making communities. The expected outcome from the
conference is a set of concrete research proposals to address the
critical gaps in our understanding of the African climate system and to
lay the foundations for science-based decision-making for the rest of
the 21st Century.
Vice President of URT Dr Gharib M. Bilal at AICC today.
The Vice
Chancelor of University Of Dar
es Salaam Prof Rwekaza
Mkandala addressing during the conference.
The Conference MC Professor Kabudi from UDSM.
Arame Tall the co-chair of ACC2013 .